Props Designer & Artisan

Ghost of John McCain

Props Supervisor

Livewire Theatrical
Soho Playhouse
September – October 2024
Book by
Scott Elmegreen
Music & Lyrics by
Drew Fornarola
Directed by
Catie Davis
Scenic Design by
Lawrence E. Moten III
Photos by Lawrence E. Moten III

Ghost of John McCain that envisions the inside of Donald Trump’s mind as a musical theatre box, where the “ghost” of Senator John McCain attempt’s to steer Trump’s politics towards his own via lewd musical numbers and outright debate. While the premise is outrageous and farcical, the text thoughtfully explores Trump and McCain as archetypes of two opposing political styles who are vying for the heart and soul of America.

The props package for this show was immense, challenging, and extremely fun. Nearly every piece of furniture was custom built, there were puppets, large moving cutouts, and dozens of trick props –including a 7’x5′ vinyl banner that “tears” open on a nightly basis — all housed behind a stage with some of the tightest backstage corridors I’ve ever experienced. This musical was truly a “clown car” in the best sense of the phrase.

I’m very proud to have worked on this short-lived but extremely timely piece of theatre. Throughout the process I had a great time spitballing prop concepts with director Catie Davis, whose whimsical sense of comedy kept things feeling light, even as the work was at its most intense.

Fun props projects included: a wingback chair Frankenstein’ed into a camp chair, a puppet Hitler, a wolf “carcass” that vibrates and hurtles across the stage each night, a Resolute Desk of nearly miniature proportions, a “dildo gun,” and a handheld “golden shower.”